Лон донская международная биржа финансовых фьючерсов и опционов
Фьючерский рынок, на котором совершаются сделки с ценными бумагами или товарами. Финансовая биржа фьючерсов (LIFFE) открылась в Лондоне в 1982 г. В 1992 г. произошло ее слияние с Лондонским рынком свободнообращающихся опционов (London Traded Options Market (LTOM)). Несмотря на присоединение к названию слов «and Options», аббревиатура осталась прежней - LIFFE. В 1996 г. биржа объединилась с Лондонской товарной биржей (London Commodity Exchange) и стала крупнейшим в мире центром фьючерских и опционных контрактов. В 1999 г. операционные залы биржи были закрыты, и все операции стали проводиться через систему электронной связи. С 2001 г. LIFFE является частью фондового рынка Евронэкст (Euronext).

Новый англо-русский словарь-справочник. Экономика. — М.: Флинта, Наукa. . 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "LONDON FINANCIAL FUTURES AND OPTIONS EXCHANGE (LIFFE)" в других словарях:

  • London International Financial Futures And Options Exchange - LIFFE — A futures and options exchange in London, England that was modeled after the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Similar to its American counterparts, this exchange used to deal with futures, options and commodities… …   Investment dictionary

  • London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange — ( LIFFE) A leading market for trading options and futures on euro money market derivatives. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange ( LIFFE) LIFFE allows investors and business enterprises to use …   Financial and business terms

  • London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange — This article is about the LIFFE, until the takeover by Euronext LIFFE Trader opposite Cannon Street station. The London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE, pronounced life ) is a futures exchange based in London. LIFFE is …   Wikipedia

  • London International Financial Futures And Options Exchange — Le London International Financial Futures and options Exchange (abrégé en LIFFE) est le marché à terme britannique, dont le principal produit est la série de contrats futures sur l Euribor trois mois, marché directeur des taux d intérêt à court… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • London international financial futures and options exchange — Le London International Financial Futures and options Exchange (abrégé en LIFFE) est le marché à terme britannique, dont le principal produit est la série de contrats futures sur l Euribor trois mois, marché directeur des taux d intérêt à court… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • London International Financial Futures and options Exchange — Le London International Financial Futures and options Exchange (abrégé en LIFFE) est le marché à terme britannique, dont le principal produit est la série de contrats futures sur l Euribor, marché directeur des taux d intérêt à court terme de la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange — LIFFE A financial futures market opened in 1982, in London s Royal Exchange, to provide facilities within the European time zone for dealing in options and futures contracts, including those in government bonds, stock and share indexes, foreign… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange — LIFFE A financial futures market opened in 1982, in London s Royal Exchange, to provide facilities within the European time zone for dealing in options and futures contracts, including those in government bonds, stock and share indexes, foreign… …   Accounting dictionary

  • Futures and Options Exchange — London FOX The principal European exchange for soft commodities. A successor to the London Commodity Exchange, which it replaced in 1987, it merged in 1996 with the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange, becoming a separate… …   Accounting dictionary

  • Futures and Options Exchange — London FOX The principal European exchange for soft commodities. A successor to the London Commodity Exchange, which it replaced in 1987, it merged in 1996 with the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange, becoming a separate… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange — /ˌlʌndən ˌɪntənæʃ(ə)nəl faɪˌnænʃ(ə)l ˌfju:tʃəz ən ɒpʃənz ɪks,tʃeɪndʒ/ noun a market where futures contracts are traded in financial instruments such as gilts, equity options, euroyen, US Treasury bonds, etc. and also commodities such as cocoa,… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

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